Monday, June 22, 2009

Let the next quarter begin...

My quarter just finished last Friday and I hit my goal!! I was working like a man on a mission. Everything has been non-stop for the last 2 weeks and I am drained. It was exciting though. At one point Magie looked at me and says "is it going to be like this every month?" I told her no, just every three months. Well she can't say I didn't warn her. Hopefully it won't be so bad in the future. I kind of did it to myself, I held a lot of things back till the last month and then I had to scramble to get everything submitted in time. Its a learning process and I learned my lesson. My goal this month is to get 30 policies done before I have to go to California. This way I will have less stress on me when I get back. I need to have 60 new policies by Sept. 19th. Its not as easy as it sounds, but some agents are closing close to 60 policies a month. I will get there eventually. A lot of hardwork now, but it will payoff later!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Deadline is coming up!

Well the good news is I have been very busy lately... the bad news is that I need 15 more policies by June 19th to reach my quarterly minimum, and 7 more life policies by June 30th. I'm working my butt off! This month is very draining, with the cutoff and with trying to get the new office ready. Right now all I care about is the cutoff, the office isn't going anywhere. It will probably go down to the wire and I will have lost all of my hair by then. Then I will really look like my dad. Haha. Its OK old man, just remember bald is beautiful. Farmers is sending me to California on July 19th. This date has changed three times but now I have received confirmation that it is written in stone. Farmers sends their agents there for a week for training and to see the corporate headquarters. From what I hear it is really nice, everything is state of the art. I have never been to California and where we are going it is about 20 mins from Hollywood. I'm gonna have to take a drive out there and see what all the fuss is about. I'm still living the dream!