Sunday, November 30, 2008

I was about to BURST!!

Whew!! I'm glad the word is out... because 2 weeks is too long for me to hold good news. Magie and I announced on Thanksgiving day that we are going to have a baby. The last 2 weeks have been crazy! I was afraid to post anything because all that was in my mind was the baby. I literally avoided blogging. So I'm glad the word is out. We have an ultrasound on Thursday this week and we should be able to see the heart beating. I can't wait to see it, it is going to be awesome. We found out that Magie was pregnant when she was almost 6 weeks and now she is just over 8 weeks along. According to our handy dandy baby book the baby's organs are just about complete and the arms and legs are forming now along with the baby's eyes. Magie is dying for the baby to have blue eyes like my eyes. We have decided on names for the baby. If the baby is a boy we will call him Jakob Emmanuel. If she ends up being a girl :( then we will name her Sofia Adriana. I really hope the baby is a boy. I don't know why but I always wanted a boy first. Either way, we just hope the baby is healthy and we want one of each anyways. I can see it now... the baby will probably have Magie's curly hair and my blue eyes. Poor kid will probably be short because mom and dad aren't too tall. It is going to be a lot of fun! Everyone is so happy for us. We have so much planning to do. Its crazy! We should find out the babies sex in January. At that time we will be able to start decorating the baby's room. The baby's due date that we were able to figure out on line is July 15th. After our ultrasound on Thursday we will know the exact due date according to the doctor. Magie has been craving Mexican food non-stop and she has been so tired lately. It really funny to count how many times times she has to pee. The one day she was so frustrated because she went and came out and only about 5 minutes went by and she had to go again. Time seems to be flying by lately... before we know it this baby will be here. I'm so glad we have such a great family and wonderful friends. They have all been a big support. I know Magie really needs that, I can only imagine the emotional roller coaster she is on right now. Well I know I will have tons more to tell you all this week. I have to take 3 state exams this week to get licensed. So its study time for me all week. Wish me luck!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Another case of the Mondays!!

Today seemed to last forever... I had my first class for my property and casualty test. This material is so dry I almost fell asleep. It would probably help if my teacher wasn't so dry but what can you do. I have to learn it. My plan is to take all my state exams by December 1st. We shall see if that happens. Its so hard to study at home because we only have 1 computer here and my wife is also in school. I usually let her use it but that leaves me very little time to use it. I am sure everything will work out. I cant wait till Thanksgiving!! Even though we will be driving around all over Cleveland... you cant beat good food. It snowed pretty good today. Probably the most snow so far this year. Coco loved it! He was running around like a crazy dog out there. We only had maybe and inch or 2 but it was enough to cover the ground. Well the Browns are winning right now and I am thinking about calling it a night.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I'm still here...

It has been awhile since I last wrote... Man I have been BUSY. First of all I passed my Life Insurance proctor on Thurs of last week. I have been trying to study to get a test in by the end of the week for the Heath Insurance part but we will see. I start my in class lessons for the Casualty and Property Insurance on Monday and that goes through the end of next week. I'm on it and working hard. It is a lot of info to cover in such a short period of time. It has been really hard to study this week because I am stuck with Jury Duty this week. So far it has been very boring there. I have yet to get on a case, so it is a lot of sitting around. I have been studying there but for me it is easier to study online and take the practice test as I go. I wish I had a laptop because the building is wireless and then I know I could get some work done. i come home from Jury Duty and I am just whooped! It is very draining to sit around all day and do nothing. I'm still really exited about being an insurance agent. I have got to get these test completed. Well I am off to study up. Get back to ya soon.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Back home

What a crazy week. I left for hunting on Tuesday last week and got back in town yesterday early evening. I had a great time. When I got down there on Tuesday I hurried up and put my hunting gear on and stood in the creek for 2 hours. It was real windy that day. The gust must have been about 30 mph. I saw Uncle George's truck pull in right as the sun was going down. I thought great, we have a deer to go find. They left their stands early because the wind was blowing so hard. So about 10 mins after I left the creek bed we looked outside and saw deer in the field. That's just my luck! They show up right when I leave. From Wed. thru Friday no one saw deer in the woods. It was real strange, usually is down or at least spotted every other day. I was getting nervous because I knew I had to come back on Sunday. Saturday was my last hope. I had 2 arrows in the air on Saturday... both misses. When I told my wife her first words were you suck, then she told me I was deer repellent. Thanks for the support dear... I appreciate it. Saturday really was great. All week long I was waiting for a day like Saturday. We work up at 4:30am and we were in our tree stands by 6:00am. On the way to our hunting spot which is called "Way" we spotted 6 deer in the fields and crossing the roads. We knew it was going to be a good day. At about 9:00am I m sitting in my tree stand and I hear CRACK! I jump on my radio and I ask Uncle George if he just shot his bow, nothing he isn't responding. He is in a tree that is only about 80 yards from my tree stand. So I keep radioing him and finally he says real quick "she is gonna pop out right in front of you." I stand up real fast and pick up my bow. I heard him shoot and here comes a deer jumping right in my path. She was about 50 yards from me. Its kind of a far shot and I usually only practice up to 40 yards because its a far shot. Well like I said the pressure is on I go home on Sunday So I shoot. At the time I didn't is there was a hit. Uncle George radios me saying "did you just shoot?" He knew it was far from his tree stand. While all this is going on Kevin, Uncle Georges friend radios that he just shot a doe. We sat in our stands for another hour. Uncle George came over and I told him where I shot and he went to look for the arrow. I getting down out of the tree and he comes over to me and said he cant find the arrow but there is a boat load of blood over there. I walk over there and notice that the blood is going backwards from my shot. It was then that we realized Uncle George actually shot the deer. He tells me that if he the deer he either slit its throat or gave real bad bloody nose because he saw his arrow and he thought it was a miss. We mete back at the truck and go look for Kevin's deer first because we knew that deer was gonna die for sure, and we weren't sure the bloody nose was gonna kill the deer. We couldn't find Kevin's deer so Kevin looking and following the blood trail while uncle George and I looked for his deer. I find my arrow and it was buried right underneath the blood trail. My shot was short. We good good blood the way and found the deer at the bottom of a creek bed. He actually shot the deer in the cheek and my have sliced the deer are tube and it suffocated. Later that night I hunted the property since we had seen deer coming in everyday to the field. We saw as man as 6 deer in the field on more that one occasion. I was set up on the hill and saw 3 deer about 6:00pm come my way. They passed me by too quickly and went to the field. I was about 40 yards from the fields edge and I knew my only shot was in the woods before they got into the field. I radio the guys at the cabin to make noise to scare the deer back in the woods. I knew that they would come right to me. No answer on the radio. I thinking what the heck I was just talking to those fools and they said radio them if I needed the deer scared back in. No answer. I'm losing light ta this time and I'm watching the 3 deer have in the field. Finally one deer comes close to the edge but quickly starts going back. It was about a 65 yard shot..maybe 70 yards. But I figured if anything else I possible scare them back in the woods and get another shot. Well I over the doe and by the time the deer made back to me I had no light. So unfortunately my trip was unsuccessful, but I sure had fun. I forgot my camera at home so no pictures this time. The season is long from over so I have more time.